From: Nancy Juetten Bellevue, WA, USA
Yes, it can be VERY hard to write about yourself. In fact, one recent survey of business owners in their first three years of operations revealed that 97% struggle describing what they do in a way that excites them and attracts clients. If you are ready to set aside that struggle, relief is close at hand. It really can be a whole lot faster and easier than you ever thought possible, and I am going to show you how.
But first, why does this matter? It’s important to get your message right because real opportunities to grow your business and your influence are hanging in the balance. You don’t want to be stumbling and bumbling around, trying to find the right words. You want to speak and write them with confidence and impact so you can turn heads, invite conversations, and close more of the right kinds of business. And, remember this.
Now more than ever, people are doing business with PEOPLE as opposed to companies. That makes it essential to showcase your “Wow”, the value you bring, and and your particular brand of marketplace magic on your “about me” section of your website, in your social media profiles, in your speaker sheet, and everywhere your ideal clients visit to find a problem solver just like you.
Boring “blah, blah, blah” messages that fill the “about us” section of your website don’t get people to YES very fast. Use the online real estate as wallpaper, and you have nothing to show for it. Use the space to say who you are, who you serve, what it matters, and why you are the best available talent to deliver the value, and you are saying something that can convert to compensation. That can guide clients to make an “Easy YES” decision to engage in your professional services. That’s a big deal.
When prospects are looking for solutions that can solve big problems that they are prepared to invest money to solve, they often research their choices online. When they land on your “home” page and like what they read, you can bet your bottom dollar that they are going to visit the “about us” page of you site to learn who is running the company. If they like what they read, they are one step closer to picking up the phone, sending you an email, or asking for a meeting. If they don’t, they are going to click away, and opportunity will be lost forever.
That is why your bio matters.
So many dream of receiving a call from Oprah, NBC Nightly News, or National Public Radio so the world can know about their work. Being seen, heard, and celebrated within the local business journal or daily metropolitan paper can be a great thing, too. But, honestly, would you be ready to rise to the occasion if you received such a call? Really? That said, how fabulous would it be for you to have everything you need to both prepare and share your story so you are always in the driver’s seat to attract clients, speaking gigs, and media interviews now? What would it feel like to be “Rock Star” ready to say YES to new opportunities because you are truly ready to welcome them on a 24/7 basis? Having your stories together and ready to share with prospects, meeting planners, and the media can save you a lot of time, aggravation, and inconvenience when opportunity knocks at your door when you least expect it.
Are you an independent business professional or business owner who…
- Finds writing or talking about yourself too hard?
- Is new to self employment and needs to generate some action in your business fast?
- Feels stuck, paralyzed, and alone in the struggle of finding the right words to share the value you bring?
- Suffers from frustration that you can’t seem to find the time to focus on or organize a good bio or speaker sheet for your important work in the world?
- Has reinvented what you do so many times in the last two years that your current bio doesn’t even begin to describe what you are doing and why it matters to your ideal clients or the media right now?
If you’ve answered YES to these statements, I’m really glad you found this page!
While serving as a publicist and storyteller for clients big and small, I’ve developed keen skills and proven systems to get at the magic of what makes my clients special, memorable, and remarkable so they can attract clients, speaking gigs, and media interviews now. Part of this has been fueled by my own curiosity about people and my passion for authentic storytelling. A bigger part of it is fueled by a deep-felt belief that everyone has a story worth telling. I am a huge fan of Oprah Winfrey, and she says that it is a basic human need to be seen, heard, and validated. We all crave to know that we matter. I believe that in my gut, my heart, and my head.
Over the years, I’ve written bios for people who are famous, successful, amazing, and remarkable and leveraged those bios to help my clients earn meaningful media coverage that has fueled their visibility, enhanced their professional reputations, and contributed to their balance sheets. I’ve also applied my own bio writing and publicity advice to build my own brand and reputation. In doing so, I’ve earned scores and scores of media placements in prestigious business journals, magazines, and newspapers in my own backyard and beyond and invited new client relationships and purchases of my products and workshops from publicity-seeking business owners around the world. Getting seen, heard, celebrated and compensated for my own expert status has been both a healing journey and one that has opened new doors to re
venue generation that give me and my family cause for celebration. I’ve walked my own talk and welcomed great results in my business. I want you to have what I am having.
When the Great Recession hit, I had an “aha” moment about how my expertise could make a timely and important difference. A lot of formerly employed professionals were starting businesses of their own to navigate the demanding economy. They needed to market themselves differently to attract clients. They didn’t need a resume. They needed a client-attracting bio that would turn heads and start conversations that would lead to new engagements and meaningful compensation. And, since so many people struggle writing about themselves in ways that position them as solution providers who are worthy of their considerable fees, I set out to solve this problem. In September of 2009, I created Bye-Bye Boring Bio. My goal was to make it easy for professional service providers to tell their stories well so they could be in a stronger position to attract clients, speaking gigs, and media interviews now. The templates and systems I used to write stories for hundreds of executives, business owners, and change makers are now woven beautifully within Bye-Bye Boring Bio to take the struggle out of finding the right words to put to paper so your ideal clients can say YES to engaging your services. And there is enough flexibility within the templates that users can make their stories stand out and shine by telling stories all their own.
Buyers of Bye-Bye Boring Bio Premium always go to the front of the line to get help with their stories. I offer “Bio Doc is In” sessions regularly to answer the call for personal attention to make stories better. When you are a buyer and also a subscriber to my ezine, you always get first notice of calls coming up for “The Bio Doc.”
The Step-By-Step Toolkit That Shows You How
to Tell Your Story to Get Known and PAID!
This bundle of popular and road-tested tools makes it easier than ever to describe what you do in a way that excites you and attracts more perfect people to your business. Easy-to-use templates make it fast and effective to create bios that attract clients, speaking gigs, and media interviews. Create authentic stories all your own with ease and impact … at long last — so the media that matter for your message will pay attention to the message you are here to share.
Now, instead of taking hours to prepare your story, you can fill in the blanks within the road-tested worksheets packed within and have fabulous, client-attracting bios and stories ready to share with the right people in record time. This bundle meets a very distinct need that is giving self employed professionals — like financial planners, coaches, authors, speakers, and consultants — the confidence to show up online, in print, and on social media by telling authentic stories that invite clients and others to do business with them right now.
That means that more of the right people are leaning in to learn more and do business with you because they love what you stand for and how you serve. Now, business people around the world who used to find it hard to write about themselves are preparing and sharing their stories in ways that create impact, wow, and “gotta engage now” reactions. That means that economic recovery is within reach for a whole lot more people in perfect timing.
Users of this bundle of high value and practical tools report great success attracting clients, speaking gigs, and media interviews as a direct result of following the time-tested tips, templates, bio examples, and advice packed within. And, they have the satisfaction of having made it happen themselves without paying a high priced PR firm or copywriter.
- Imagine being awarded a four or five-figure speaking gig as a direct result of a meeting planner reading your speaker sheet. It’s happening for professional speakers who follow the tips within Bye-Bye Boring Bio.
- Consider how great it will be for your ideal client to “get to yes” immediately, just by reading your engaging bio that offers a message that truly resonates and inspires action. This is happening for plenty of professionals who have unlocked the power of the sassy sound bite to their client-attraction advantage.
- Get in touch with the level of confidence you will feel when you can say what you do and why it matters with ease, confidence, and grace at a moment’s notice instead of stumbling over the words you speak or write to describe what you do.
These results are happening every day for satisfied users of Bye-Bye Boring Bio. They can happen for you, too, when you embrace the information and apply it to your expert advantage.
- Need a client-attracting bio that gets your ideal client to say “YES” in record time?
- Need a short blub bio that delivers applause instead of snores?
- Need a website bio that actually gets your phone to ring?
- Need a Twitter profile that is a-twitter with personality?
- Need still winning bio to serve an an introduction for your speaking engagement or upcoming radio interview?
- Can you get your point across with just a few lines of well worded text?
- Need inspiration to prepare a speaker sheet that is perfect for your speaking career right now so you will be selected as that highly compensated expert?
- Bye-Bye Boring Bio shows you the way!
- There are dozens of bio examples within that make is super easy for you to find message inspiration to tell your own best story now.
OnePinky Founder Laura Fenamore Shares
Her Experience with Bye-Bye Boring Bio
The fill-in-the-blanks templates make it super easy for you to organize your story so bio writing for you can be over and done and working hard for you 24/7 in short order.
“If you need to position yourself ahead of your competition you need Nancy Juetten’s practical, easy to adapt high impact advice.”
Patricia Fripp • Past President, National Speakers Association
“Nancy Juetten has created a wonderful resource for writing an effective bio. Your new bio will not only impress your followers, but intrigue them so they will want to know more about you.”
Nancy Marmolejo • Social Media Expert, CEO of Sizziblity
What gets folks to put their trust in you? What gets the media to call you cold? Your online image! And PARTICULARLY your bio – it’s where the rubber meets the road, and let me tell you, Nancy Juetten totally has that figured out!”
Suzanne Falter-Barns • Platform Building Expert
“Don’t spend any more time or money on your publicity campaign until you read these booklets.”
Joan Stewart • The Publicity Hound
“These are definitely an excellent PR primer for any entrepreneur. A series of steps to reach a goal!”
Stacy Karacostas • Chief Navigator, Author, Speaker,
Success Stream Sales & Marketing Solutions.
“Any business owner would be well advised to read and employ these valuable tips from a public relations pro who practices what she preaches.”
Henry DeVries • Author of “Client Seduction”
“I just completed the Get Ready, Get Known, Get Paid E-Workbook and I am blown away by the amount of valuable content offered. It is a simple, easy to understand format, chock full of great tips and tools! My confidence level shot up 10 notches!”
Tara Powers • Mama Means Business
“Nancy is the guru-to-go-to for getting known! Her outstanding Get Ready Get Known Get Paid Workbook is what every business owner has been waiting for! Thought provoking & engaging exercises lead you to crafting brilliantly written PR about you and your product!
Kris Parfitt
The perfect tool to help you tell the world who you are, with conviction, confidence and clarity!”
Ka Rae’ Carey, PhD • Strong Stepfamilies
Your concise, pithy, poignant suggestions to find, engage and become the Go-To source for reporters, combines with your practical, no-holds-barred examples makes the once daunting task of getting in the media now doable!”
Marty L. Ward • The No BS Coach with a Heart
Author, Speaker, Workshop Leader, Trainer
Bye-Bye Boring Bio PREMIUM includes access to 5 content-rich audio interviews offer even more support, resources, and inspiration to guide you to broadcast your brilliance and monetize your message as you attract more of the right opportunities to be of service. The success stories about professional service providers around the world — just like you — who have earned publicity, visibility, and prosperity are proof positive that similar results await when you take action on what you earn.
Listen as Master of Enrollment Coach Bill Baren guides you to learn his proven methods to convert more prospects to clients with greater ease.
You’ll learn:
- Bill’s most powerful formula for leading prospective clients to “YES” – it works anytime, anywhere. Whether you are in a one-on-one consultation …. leading a teleseminar…. or speaking on a stage. (This is the true key to being a master of enrollment)
- How to turn the dreaded response of “I can’t afford it” into the perfect opportunity for you to close the sale right on the spot.
- Is fear of rejection the #1 thing stopping you from getting clients? I’ll show you a simple fear-busting technique you can use right away. You’ll feel much more comfortable talking to people about fees and inviting them to work with you.
- A proven 5-step system for making money and enrolling new clients through teleminars and speaking engagements (and if you’ve never done a teleseminar or speaking engagement, this will make it easy for you to get started).
Profit as you hear from Publishing and Marketing Mentor John Eggen as he shares how to make up to $150,000 from your Book BEFORE it is published.
Learn in-depth answers to these questions:
- 2 challenges that stop people from writing a client-attracting book, and 4 components needed to guarantee success in doing it
- Resources available to help you write your book–which ones work and which ones don’t
- Top 5 things you need to know to make writing your book easy, affordable and profitable
- The proven system that helps you write a book fast that attracts clients and generates multiple income streams
- Plus interactive Q&A at the end to answer questions asked by those who were “live” on this call.
Get Inspired as Nancy Shares Success Stories about Business Owners Just Like You Who Opened Doors to New Clients, Speaking Gigs, and Media Attention by Following Her Advice.
- Tune in as Nancy Juetten shares Extreme Bio Makeover examples that demonstrate how to transform a “blah, blah, blah” bio into one that captures immediate attention, while showcasing the ABC’s of common bio blunders so you can proceed in a winning way with confidence.
- Enjoy her engaging interview with Action Plan Marketing Founder Robert Middleton about how to take control over your own publicity opportunities to get seen, heard, celebrated and compensated for your expert status.
- Discover how to make your press releases pay off in a digital age as you listen to PR Leads Founder Dan Janal interview Nancy Juetten as she tells her tales from the media relations trenches to help you welcome press release success a whole lot faster.
- You’ll walk away from these three presentation with powerful “aha” insights that you can apply immediately to help you save valuable time preparing for media interviews, set the stage for you to delight broadcast media producers, while making your bio read better so the right people will notice and act.
- The ABC’s of common bio blunders
- The four S’s every bio should include
- Why one-size-fits-all bios rarely fit all situations
- Why every radio host wants from from you
- What every event emcee wants from you that serves your interests just as much as his!
- The biggest time savers you gain by getting your bio in great shape now
- How to set yourself apart from every other expert and why you must begin right now!
After listening to these presentations, you’ll be fired up and ready to take action transform your boring, boilerplate, and bland bio to the rock star status of which you and your expertise are so worthy. Whether you need to attract new clients, invite media attention for your winning ways, or all of the above, you’ll gain at least 3 BIG insights and practical actions you can use immediately to make your bios for the web, your speaker sheet, and your social networking profiles better immediately.
Choose Bye-Bye Boring Bio PREMIUM.
Your Inspired Action Guarantees Your Success!
I am 100% confident that after you apply the powerful business-building knowledge and tools within Bye-Bye Boring Bio Premium to your expert advantage, you will be in great position to prepare and share your story so more of the right people will pay attention and ENGAGE with you for the life of your successful business. That’s why I invite you to buy now and take action on what you learn so your benefits can begin as soon as possible.
These raves from happy readers about the workbook make the PREMIUM choice an easy “Yes” decision for you!
“Once you read Nancy Juetten’s Workbook, get ready to be recognized as a celebrity in your industry!”
“Your workbook is VERY comprehensive. As a member of PRSA and a former Public Affairs professional, I’m impressed with the breadth of knowledge you’re sharing. It was really easy to follow and the worksheets really break it down into manageable pieces. It flows very well from developing the elevator pitch all the way to getting recognition as a recognized expert. I will be recommending this whole-heartedly to my colleagues and friends. It’s clear that you put loads of planning and thought into this product. Congratulations! Once you read Nancy Juetten’s Workbook, get ready to be recognized as a celebrity in your industry! From your elevator pitch to ongoing media coverage, she leaves no stone unturned in this jam packed book. Nancy is the real deal as she teaches you proven ways to let your ‘brilliance’ shine the way to success.
Rosie Taylor
“The Get Ready. Get Known. Get Paid E-Workbook has taught me to let my story so I can soar.”
“As a Sport Psychology Consultant I’ve been taught to help others perform at the top, but no one in 30+ years had taught me how to get my story known so I can both help more athletes and Yes Rock my Own Life and get paid like the top author, speaker and consultant I am in my field. I got the e-workbook and applied Nancy’s guidance within two weeks. I earned an interview with a newspaper the same day I sent out my first news release. Nancy is the Bomb!
Mike Margolies
Sport Psychology Consultants,